

We offer custom pest control treatments for all your pest problems. We have programs for residential properties, commercial establishments and industrial facilities. For any type of pest, we ensure an integrated pest management program to sustainably and cost-efficiently solve the infestation.

Termite Control

Termites cause extensive damage to buildings in the Philippines each year. More often than not, we discover the presence of termites in our house when it’s already too late. Our cabinets, doorjambs, ceilings and even our books and clothes already became termite food.

Ridding existing structures of termite infestations, plus making them resistant to future infestation, is a major goal of termite control. Generally, buildings become infested because, during construction, little or no attention was paid to the preventive measures that would have made the structures resistant to termites. It is in such buildings that termites cause heavy damage each year.

Cockroach Control

Cockroaches are one of the most common pests present in households, buildings and commercial establishments, especially restaurants. It belongs to the order Blattodea, which also includes termites. Out of around 3500 species of cockroaches, only a handful of them prefer the constant temperature and moist conditions that are present in our houses and working areas. But these few species of cockroaches attained their pest status due to their association with human health problems. There is always a need for cockroach control in homes, offices and especially restaurants. We at Tercopex take cockroach control seriously.

Rat and Rodent Control

Rats and mice are possibly the most popular and pesky pests to humans. They eat and contaminate food, damage our properties and building structures, and they transmit parasites and cause diseases. Their integration to human dwelling places and human activities make controlling them a challenge. Tercopex rodent control and rat abatement procedures use a combination of physical and chemical methods.

Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes remain distinct from other insects owing to their sucking mouth parts, blood sucking habits and females laying their eggs in water.

Ant Control

Ants are social creatures that generally form colonies in which individuals assume different roles. They are found foraging or nesting inside structures, eating a wide variety of foods such as sugars, fats, oils, dead insects, seeds, meats, and nectar. Most ant colonies are found in soil, though other species temporarily make nest in any manmade structures or items such as air conditioners, electrical boxes, or any dark, moist and warm areas.

Ant control starts with inspection of the property to determine the characteristics of the colony and the most appropriate control method.

Housefly Control

The housefly is a non-resident pest, capable of transmitting pathogens as a physical carrier. They are nuisance pests commonly found in garbage, dead animals, decomposing organic matter and farm manure.

Flea and Tick Control

Fleas are occasional pests of homes and buildings that harbor pests and are accessible to stray animals. They feed mainly on the blood of mammals and birds. Rat flea, dog flea and cat flea are the most common species out of the 2,500 species of this small flightless insects. Aside from the irritation brought on by flea bites, a number of diseases are caused by flea and tick bites.

Bed Bug Control

Bed bugs have a very characteristic flat and oval-shaped body with no wings. They are commonly reported from both high-end and public low-income residence buildings, and such structures as hotels, resorts, hospitals, restaurants, stores and homes. Bed bugs are not important in the transmission of any disease, though they cause severe nuisance when they occur in both small and large densities.

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